30 de dezembro de 2015

Quando uma boa ideia não funciona

A boa ideia que não funciona, neste caso, é o Desk PM - o aplicativo que escolhí para escrever os posts para meus blogs; quando comecei a usá-lo eu o achava excelente e realmente me sentia motivado a escrever mais e mais; mas, de repente, o Desk PM começou a cair demais, não consigo nem incluir um link sem um crash; agora, com a versão mais atual, a manipulação de imagens ficou muito ruim e não posso sequer ajustar o tamanho de uma foto pois o Desk PM insiste em rotacioná-la. O desenvolvedor do aplicativo (john.do) é muito solícito e promete corrigir todos os problemas, mas isso pode demorar, pois ele é um só e possui outras atribuições profissionais além de manter o Desk PM.

E eu prometí a ele continuar tentar a usar o Desk PM. Vejam o último e-mail que lhe enviei e sua resposta:


On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 4:23 AM, Marcos D. Alves wrote:


It's hard for me to say this but I give up using Desk PM.

I was testing both Desk PM and Blogo and I decided for Desk PM because I liked it and also to support an indie developer.

I was happy keeping my blog revitalized and updated (http://www.mdalves.com.br) but suddenly Desk PM started to crash; I try to close a file - it crashes; I try to add a link - it crashes; try to resize an image - the image disappears and I have to close the file (with a crash) and re-open it to add the image again.

And now, after the latest update, I feel it's too hard to handle images; I just want to to resize an image but Desk PM start to rotate it at every click and I don't know how to stop it; when it stop by itself the image is usually on the wrong position.

I have just published a post and image is not there!!! But it IS in the Desk PM file!!!!

When I am ready to publish the post (after stressful and not pleasure moments of writing) I have to remember the tags/categories I use in my - why Desk PM just doesn't make it easier for me showing the list of tags?

I am sure you will fix all the bugs and enhance Desk PM with new features; I promise to keep it installed and updated and may return to it when I believe it will really stimulated me to write and not the opposite.

Regards, good luck and a happy new year.


John Saddington


i appreciate this man and i'm so sorry. i'm working on the fix which should be out shortly.

i'm so sorry and i'm sad to not have this work for you! but i will fix it!

30 de dezembro de 2015